
ASK JOEY: Be Proactive!

So many people ask how they can get started in the industry. It's actually quite simple - be proactive! You aren't going to have agents knocking on your door to sign you. You need to make the initiative and go out and get your face out there. Meet with agencies, attend networking parties, talk to other models. The more people you know, the more you'll be able to get your name and face out there.  Check out the resources in front of you - MWN is a great tool to update your portfolio (network with photographers) and if you check out the ModelWire Fashion Directory, you can get a good start on which agencies to contact. Get out there and good luck!

I am trying to get on a good track in the industry and I'm seeking representation. If you don't mind reviewing my small portfolio, I would be grateful and open to any advice you have to give.

 You definitely have a small portfolio but you have a good look.  Before you spend any money on pictures, go and see some agents.  I know I make it sound easy, but just keep calling and trying.  The agent that chooses you will work with you and build your portfolio and get you the jobs you need.  Get out there!
I am with Major in Milan and Mannequin in Singapore. I am currently looking for a new mother agency here in New York and I was wondering if you could refer me to one. Check out my blog - I am constantly updating it with a lot of photos and shows. Thank you!
You have a great look! Why don't you go with Major in NYC?  They have an excellent Men's Department.  If you are signed with an agency in a different region, they are more than likely to sign you with another region.  It would be a great start and Major is a good agency to be part of.  If not, I'm sure you would have no problems finding another agency - again, your look is amazing and you have the proper sizes and stats.
Do I have the look for high fashion based on the portfolio I have on MWN? Please critique my photos because I love hearing constructive criticism. I really would like your expertise and your help as I am pursing my career.

You have a great look and a good portfolio.  You just have to find the right agent.  Miami is a good place to start even if it's seasonal.  Otherwise, I would suggest going to New York and getting an agent there.  It comes down to personality - meet with agents and show it off.  People forget that sometimes.  You have to be someone that people will want to work with.
I read about what you do and I think it's great. I went into Ford and they said they would sign me if I was 18 and just starting out in the industry. My question for you is, do you think I could get signed with an agency and what agencies do you think would pick me up? Any tips or knowledge would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I like your look but it's more commercial than high fashion. Find yourself a commercial agent - there are plenty in LA. Update your portfolio with more commercial-like photos. Try putting a shirt on in some of your photos. You need to be able to fit a commercial look which is everything from the beach to the office. You have a good look though so just keep at it!
If I want to model the latest styles in mens fashions and suits, what the best way to get the attention of a modeling agency? I ask this because I want to know if they are more interested in the International look as opposed to the domestic styles worn here in the States. 

There's one thing to remember - YOU are the look.  The clothes do not make the man.  You have a nice look but you are more commercial than high fashion.  Make sure the clothes fit well in your portfolio photos, especially with suits.  Keep up to date with the latest in trends and make sure you showcase that knowledge in your portfolio photos. Agents are more interested in the model, not the clothes.
 In the meantime,

Have a successful day!


Follow me @TheJoeyHunter


Wildfang - Fashion For the Tomboy in You

Wildfang, a brand out of Portland, Oregon has been creating a buzz lately.  Why?  Because the females behind the brand, who call themselves "modern-day female Robin Hoods" are "liberating menswear, one bowtie at a time." The androgynous look has been trending for years, but it's hard to find the right fitted outfits.  We are excited to watch this company take clothes and actually make them fit while looking good.  Wildfang literally means "Tomboy" in German.  We can't wait to see what's in store!  You can check out their site HERE.




Zoe Saldana in Allure

The Star Trek Into Darkness actress stripped down for the latest issue of Allure.  She also posted her weight on the front cover!  The actress discusses her approach to sexuality while shooting with photographer Tom Munro at Milk Studios in New York City. You can read the article HERE.




ASK JOEY: Own Your Height!

Hi MWN! I apologize for the delay in weekly posts, I've been very busy with the Spring season - I hope you guys are enjoying the beautiful weather wherever you are!  I just wanted to bring up how important height and other measurements play a role in your career.  Although there are a lot of talented people out there, unfortunately, the fashion modeling industry pays close attention to this.  If you do not fit the height requirements, then you are most likely considered to be a commercial model.  Although the commercial modeling industry is highly competitive, this is what you should be pursuing.  Don't waste your time trying to become the next Kate Moss.  Stick to your correct path and definitely own it!  Good luck!

I have a few questions about lifestyle/print/parts modeling.  I am 5'5" so I know I will never be able to do high fashion runway modeling.  However, I have been told lifestyle and commercial print modeling would be an option.  I have also been advised to see "parts" modeling for my eyes and smile.  What advice do you have about how to find these type of agencies and become involved in that branch of the modeling industry?

You have a great look for commercial TV and print.  They were right who ever pushed you in that direction.  The key is how big the market is in Nashville.  Are there any good agents to rep you? If this is something you are truly passionate about, would be willing to relocate? The models they use for body parts do all kinds of commercial type modeling. Honestly, you can't make a living doing parts modeling.  There are more commercial type agencies than there are fashion agencies.  I would start by checking the ModelWire Directory for agencies in your town and reaching out to them.  You have a great look!
I could really use some professional advice! I've been doing local modeling for a couple of years now, but I wanted to find an agency in the Southern California region. My problem, however, is that I'm only just over 5'7". I believe that my measurements (waist, hips, etc.) are slim enough that any potential height-to-width ratio wouldn't be a problem. Do you have any advice, or would you like/need additional information?

You look and photograph like a fashion model, but you obviously know that your height is the only problem. Definitely pursue a commercial modeling career. Get up to LA, find a commercial agent and get a more "commercial" look.  Work on cold readings for TV commercials and pursue that route.  You have a good look, but it's hard to make it as a short fashion model. So definitely up your game in the commercial modeling field!
I'm wondering what I can do to get shoots similar to Victoria's Secret, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, etc.  I know VS only takes Ford girls, and I'm not tall enough for Ford, but I'd like jobs within that genre and to be fairly well-publicized.  I am not currently represented but have been in the past.  I'd like to be again but where I am (Israel), agencies have specific height requirements so I'm not sure where to go from here. Any advice will help!

Victoria's Secret and Sports Illustrated only use girls that are 5'9" and above.  There are few exceptions but very few.  Go with a more commercial look and get represented by a commercial agencies.  This means you'll have to update your portfolio with more commercial photos.  If there is a small commercial market where you live, maybe take some time and travel and get gigs somewhere else.  Unfortunately, the gigs you want are very strict on their height requirements.  That's the just way of the game.  Your best bet is to do more commercial modeling.
Hello, my name is Noel Elizabeth. I'm 18 years old and my dream is to become a Ford model. If you get a chance, would you please review my portfolio? It would mean a lot. I would like to know what I need to work on to become a Ford model. Thank you very much for your time.

Unfortunately, you are not Ford's type.  You have the height but not the look.  Find an agent in Las Vegas.  You can start with the ModelWire Directory.  You need to work on your portfolio a bit - try out different looks.  Work with photographers on MWN in your area and get more commercial type photos.  Good luck!
I just recently did an audition with you at Barbizon of Harrisburg on March 5. I am sad to say that I will not be able to attend the Barbizon show case due to the impact that it would have on my budget. I am still planning on taking your advice and I'm going to pursue acting. I have been in contact with a few people who are planning on giving me a helping hand, however, I was hoping you would be able to provide me with some good advice.

Go with Wilhelmina in Philly.  It's a good market and they have an office in all of the major markets. I remember meeting you!  I worry about people who want to give you a helping hand - just be cautious.  You got your basic training in Harrisburg.  Let Wilhelmina find an acting class for you in Philadelphia.  You have a great look and I don't think you'll have any problems - keep me posted on everything!
In the meantime,

Have a successful day!


Follow me @TheJoeyHunter


Agency Spotlight: EXALT

Exalt Model and Talent Agency represents models and actors throughout Northern California and beyond. With offices in San Francisco and Sacramento they work with clients such as Levis, GAP, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Michael Kors, Men's Warehouse, Nice Collective, MAC Cosmetics, Bare Escentuals, Benefit Cosmetics, Apple, Google, Intel, EBay and many more - along with all local and online publications. Started in 2009 by former model turned agent Bret Cota, Exalt is one of California's fastest growing agencies.


Kerry Washington Makes the Cover of Elle!

FINALLY! Actress Kerry Washington has nabbed the cover of Elle Magazine - her first cover on a major women's magazine.  The actress has appeared in countless Oscar worthy films including Ray, The Last King of Scotland and of course, Django Unchained. Not to mention, her highly related TV show Scandal.  Congrats Kerry! The wait was long overdue!




Meet our Featured Members of the Month!

Check out our Featured Members of the Month for May!  We can't believe it's already May but we're excited to feature some of our talented members each month.  If you are interested in being featured or have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at any time.  Enjoy the month!
Model of the Month:  Jordan McDowell


Why modeling?
I love making faces and dressing up my boyfriends so this just seemed like a natural career move.
What inspires you?
I find traveling to be super inspiring - to see the world in all its glory.
What do you look for when selecting a photographer to work with?
The best photographers I have worked with have always been the ones who convey emotion themselves the easiest.  I like when I can feel the energy of the shoot.
What product can you not live without?
I can't go a day without my L'Occitane skincare.  It's the best there is.
What is your favorite band of song of all time?
Favorite band is Arctic Monkeys!

Photographer of the Month:  Melis + Dainon


What genre does your work focus on?
We specialize in beauty and fashion images.
What do you look for when selecting a model to work with?
Although the features that we look for change with the project, we are always searching for a special quality that will draw viewers into the image and make them feel something.  We believe that a "good" photograph prompts an emotion - and hopefully a meaningful one.  We find that this special quality results from a combination of elements, including confidence, expressiveness, humor, kindness, independence, and a unique personality.  Genuine subjects are essential to creating an authentic photograph, so it really comes down to feeling, which is why we try to meet all of the models we shoot ahead of time, whether the shoot is for a client or personal project.
Who is your favorite photographer of all time?
We are moved by photography that is soulful, elegant, and purposeful, like our own.  So we appreciate the works of many photographers for different reasons.  Some favorites include Herb Ritts, Peter Lindbergh, Vincent Peters, Helmut Newton, Jock Sturges, Irving Penn, Sally Mann and Patrick Demarchelier.
What is your favorite project you have worked on?
Our most recent shoot is typically our favorite.  We learn from each new experience and are inspired by the people we work with and the final photos, so subsequent shoots benefit from our expanded creativity and perfection of details, making each session more exciting than the last. Also, the way that we feel at the end of the photo shoot determines how much of a 'favorite' it is so getting the right combination of energy and personalities on set is critical for us. We choose our creative teams, subjects and clients very carefully for that reason. We enjoy true professionals who know their craft and can relax and enjoy the experience of the photo shoot.
What inspires you?
We allow inspiration to change with our mood - one week we might be inspired by a unique type of light and the next week we are exploring themes present in eastern meditation.  While we draw inspiration from our own lives, we always leave room for the personality of our model to shine through.  In our experience, the best shoots are those with the perfect balance between the energy provided by ourselves and our team, and that of our model.

Makeup Artist of the Month:  Cathy Dung
Why makeup artist?
I love the creative process and being able to find that flow each and every time I do a makeup. 
Who is your favorite makeup artist of all time?
Alex Box, her ability to be innovative with color and stong technique makes her a true artist. 
What inspires you?
In a nutshell, life.Everything from the good and the bad, I draw from it all. The pendulum goes just as far back as it does forth - to truly embrace beauty you have to face the uglinessin the world. 
What product can you not live without?
Moisturizer - Koh Gen Do's Moisture Foundation. It's highly pigmented and exceptionally creamy so a little goes a long way. It's great for all skin types and looks absolutely amazing on as it covers without looking cakey; it's like your skin but better. Simply magical.  
What is your personal style?
I would have to say that I'm a girly tomboy. I hate wearing heels and always opt for my comfy boots or flats. I love wearing loose button up shirts paired with either leggings or jeans. Lately I've been on a maxi dress kick paired with my boots and over the knee tights (paired with a strong brow and either matte velvet mulberry lips or blood red - totally 90's grunge!)

Hair Stylist of the Month:  Jennifer Ziegelmeier 

Why hairstyling?
 For me, it was never ”why” hairstyling, it wasn’t ever a choice per say. My ability to do hair was just something that seemed to just come so naturally to me, although if my dolls could talk about the haircuts I gave them, they might tell you a different story! I didn’t own 1 doll that I didn’t take scissors to! I was always intrigued by Hair, all aspects of hair from styling, how it grew etc. I would do hair on family members as well as all the neighborhood kids, from styling to cutting, even though I had no official/professional training. I got a job at the age of 15 after school and on the weekends as a shampoo assistant in an upscale salon. However, with my knack and infatuation for hair coupled with the love for my new salon job, I can’t wholeheartedly say my intention was ever to become a Hairstylist professionally. I had really only looked at doing hair as a hobby so to speak. Eventually after trying 2 colleges and landing a job stocking beauty supplies at K-Mart, my mother coaxed me into enrolling at a local Beauty School
What inspires you?
I can literally find inspiration from anything, everything or anywhere and at any given time.  Inspiration is always around you. You just have to be aware, focused, open minded, creative and think outside of the box.  I frequently find myself viewing other talented industry peers portfolios (in the US, but mostly Canada and Europe because they tend to be a bit more ahead of fashion and trends) online, social media sites, to landscapes, colors and architecture.  
What is your favorite project you have worked on?
I cannot even begin to explain what an honor it was to have been chosen to work with Supermodel Carol Alt.  Not only is she a "Supermode" but Carol Alt was arguably the first person to ear the official title "Supermodel" This particular project/photo shoot was especially special to me, as I wasn't only doing Carol's hair but also her husband's.  His name is Alexi Yashin and he at the time was a star hockey player for the NY Islanders. To top it all off, as if working with two well known celebrities was an honor in itself, I was told the shoot would be for the publication's front cover along with a 10 page editorial.  This was an honor I will always hold dear to my heart.
What is your most embarrassing moment professionally?
In reference to my answer for my favorite project, I also had an embarrassing moment during this shoot.  20-30 minutes into styling Carol Alt, I noticed the PA set my hot coffee by my blow dryer cord.  Within a split second, the coffee spills all over Carol and I hear her husband yell 'Oh no! Not on the brand new Prada shoes I just bought you from Europe!' 
Who is your favorite hair stylist of all time?
This is the hardest question I may ever have to answer.  I am surrounded by so many talented artists in the industry today.  Instead of answering with famous names, I'm hoping my answer provokes readers to research and gain inspiration from iconic hairstylists.  They are Alexandre, Kenneth Battelle, Christiann, Aldo Coppola, Irma Kusely, Sydney Guilaroff, Sam Lapin, Leonard Lewis, Luis Llongueras and Vidal Sassoon. 

Wardrobe Stylist of the Month:  DajaMStyld (Daja Meadows)
Why wardrobe stylist?
I have honestly been wanting to style since 9th grade. I design also so it kind of just made sense. I styled a lot of my friends for prom and everyone came to me when they needed a wardrobe change so styling just came naturally.  
What inspires you?
I live in Los Angeles so everything inspires me from graffiti, architecture, people, and art. I love looking at a painting and visualizing how nice it would look if it was a piece of clothing.  
What do you look for when selecting a model to work with?
When selecting a model I look for what makes them who they are. In the industry, being sexy is not everything. A gap, a streak of hair, bone structure - all of this can make a person. I look for people who stand out and don't look like the typical. 
What is your favorite store to shop in?
My favorite store to shop at is Top shop because of the forecasting. They know what's in season and sell it for a price people can afford and a lot of vintage shops on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. They have one of a kind outfits so you'll never catch another person in the street with the same thing you have on. 
What is your personal style?
My style is a lot of jeans, heels, leather, and jewelry. I love wearing some boyfriend jeans, a white v-neck, Lester jacket, and some nice heels. You look edgy without trying. And being a stylist you need to be as comfortable as possible without looking comfortable 
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