
ASK JOEY: Choose a Niche and Perfect it!

Photographers always try to take a million types of photos. My advice would be to choose a genre of photography (something you really like) and stick to it. That way, you'll also perfect that genre and your chances of getting those types of jobs will increase. Don't try to take so many different types of photos. Your portfolio will look like a hot mess! Just stick to one thing and perfect it - it will pay off. The good thing about MWN is that you can constantly test with models and talent - so don't forget to reach out to other members and do as much test shooting as you can!

I was hoping you could look over my port to see how I'm doing and if I'm ready enough to start going to agencies. That is my next move, so I hope you can be as critical as can be. I believe I'm good enough to start testing with agencies. I can't wait to start branching out more so I can eventually become recognizable. There is no denying that I die for this industry and for my work to improve daily  I couldn't be any more passionate and I think with this attitude that I am on the right track. I'm planning on going to Chicago and New York to meet with agencies. Do you recommend any good ones for the type of work that I do?

I think you're ready to start meeting with agencies! You definitely have some talent.  I would start with a small agency in Chicago and New York and go from there.  I really like your lighting but I think you need more fashion shots - maybe try more shots in studios. Overall, the beauty of your photos is evident and I like how clean your photos are.  For a list of agencies, you can refer to the ModelWire Fashion Directory.
I would appreciate if you visited my profile and checked out my photos! I'm working on improving and honing my craft.

You seem to really enjoy what you're doing.  You should expand more - most of these photos look like photos that you would take of your girlfriend.  Do you want to do high fashion? If so, you're going to have to work on your portfolio. But if you want to stick to commercial, you need to do more commercial-type shoots. Your photos seem to be somewhere in the middle. I would do more testing and work with different models and see what you enjoy doing most and stick to it. 
I took some time off to work on my art work and am now re-entering the business. I just moved from Santa Fe to Fort Lauderdale and NYC. Please take a look at my work.  I just started contacting agencies.  Ford in Miami has been wonderful. Any suggestions or people that might be good to meet?  Please let me know!

You definitely need more photos in your portfolio. Are you looking to do Men's Fashion or Outdoor? You need a direction and then stick with it. Your photos are very 'rugged'. Is that the look you're going for? If you stick to these type of photos you'll get typecasted and work mostly in that field, so make sure you choose something you like. 
I would like some professional advice and guidance on my portfolio. This is only my third year shooting and I want to create an amazing body of work!

Well you definitely photographed one great body of work. Where is the rest? Is that all you did in 3 years?  Here's some advice - take more photos!
I'd like to get your feedback on my portfolio and website and your thoughts on spec shooting a piece for submission to magazines.

There seems to be some confusion with what you've uploaded onto your MWN profile and your actual website - love the stuff on your site. You should upload more of them onto your MWN portfolio. Most of the photos on your portfolio are of topless ladies yet your portfolio on your website is more fashion. I like your fashion photos - if you can shoot spec, do it. With money as tight as it is today, you should get your foot in the door.  Good luck!
In the meantime,

Have a successful day!


Follow me @TheJoeyHunter

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