
6 "John Dye" Approved Feel Good Movies on Netflix to Watch Right Now!

Okay, I'll admit it, I have the entertainment taste of a California tween girl, but I don't care! You know why? When I sit and fill my mind with images from movies and television, I do not want to see murders, blood and guts, or things that cause me to be uncomfortable or feel anxious... So what, I like cheesy movies, its one of my many guilty pleasures.... so is bad girls club on oxygen, if you haven't seen that, you biotches are missin out! Anyway my sweet DYE-hards, here's a list of movies on Netflix RIGHT NOW for you to enjoy. :)

1. "Geek Charming"- This is a Disney movie starring Sarah Hylund from ABC's "Modern Family.. Where do I begin on my love for this movie... Well for starters, my BF asked me on our first date what my favorite movie was currently, I unabashedly said with a proud voice of confidence "Geek Charming"! It is so sweet, funny, touching, and just a damn good movie. I could be on a shame spiral from hell, and all I need is this movie and all feels right in the world again... fun fact, Sarah Hylund met and began dating her co-star Matt Prokop on the set of "Geek Charming" and they are still together 3 years later, and live together in Los Angeles... 

2. "Beauty and the Briefcase" - Okay, I'll admit it, I LOVE HILLARY DUFF! I love her music, I love her movies, I love "Lizzie Mcguire", I love "Cinderella Story", I love her okay? Well this was her last big movie before she stepped away from the limelight to become a mother to her son Luca, and honestly, I think this is her best film. Its insanely well written, funny, sexy, the hair and makeup AND the clothes are FABulous. Its also the sexiest and most scandalous we've seen miss Duff, talking about sex, men, and some racy jokes... I love this movie ya'll, and so will you!

3. "Wish Upon a Star" - Katherine Heigl's only great contribution to cinema besides "Knocked Up". If you didn't watch this movie when you were younger, I honestly do not know how you have made it this far... Her and her sister "Haley" switch places in the movie... one being a popular biotch with the perfect boyfriend, social circle, car, and looks, the other a brainy, shy, and very sweet bookworm. The story of how they are forced to see through each other's eyes and the lessons they learn will have you in tears by the end... The music from this movie is also amazing... I have put quite a few tracks from the band in this movie, "Moonpools and Caterpillars" on mix Cd's over the years... If you don't tear up at the final scene at the prom, you are a robot... for sure, you are a robot....

4. "Cowbelles"- Another Disney movie starring Aly and Aj... Anyone who has known me over the years can recall my long standing obsession with this sister act team of actresses/singers. This movie is super cheesy, but it is very enjoyable on a bored rainy day. If you have never checked out their music, you're missing out, their songs "Division" and "No One" are two of my favorites...OHHH and their Christmas Album is MAGIC! Anyway the two girls are spoiled rich bratty teens who are forced to work on a farm after their wealthy father dies. Hilarity and Hijinks's ensue.... PLUS the guy from this movie is hotttttttttttttt! He can be my cowboy any day! :)

5. "Camp Rock" - I've said it before, I LOVE this movie... I love the soundtrack, I love Demi Lovato, I love it all.... Now, let me warn you, there hasn't been a bigger letdown like "Camp Rock 2" til Lady Gaga's new comeback single "Applause" debuted to pooptastic results :/ so don't watch the second one, why did they even have to make a second one? why mess with success, but Disney does have a long standing tradition of "cheapening" their classics by adding sequels and thirds.. like "little Mermaid" 2 and 3 ... was that really necessary???????????? Anyway, this movie is about young Mitchy Torres, who wants to go to the prestigious summer music camp called "Camp Rock" to achieve her dreams in the music industry...her character is sweet, brave, and courageous... Truly one of my favorites, AND do yourself a favor and download or listen to "This is Me" the acoustic version by Demi on Itunes or YouTube, its such a beautiful song with very affirming and encouraging words.... "This is real, this is me, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now, gonna the light, shine one me".....

6. "Clueless" - I know what you are all thinking, " WHO HAS NOT SEEN CLUELESS?!?!?!" Yes, it defined a generation, yes, it changed our words and our vernacular, yes, it changed fashion trends and styles forever, BUT..... I am meeting people (usually younger than me) who HAVE NOT seen this classic and important gem of cinema.... I'm not even going to dignify this entry with a description of the plot or its characters, all you need to know is that if you haven't seen this, YOU NEED TOO, like RIGHT NOW, or I might not be able to have you in my life anymore.... I wanted to be Cher Horowitz SO bad in middle and high school, I still TO THIS DAY catch myself saying lines from Cher to people without realizing it!!!!!!!! This movie defined my younger years, it would mean a lot to me if you watched it if you already haven't!

happy movie night my lil dye-hard lambs!!!!!!

love, your gay BFF fo life playa,

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