
"Guess Who's Back, Back Again, John is Back, Tell a Friend!"

Apparently I like to laugh and giggle while
rolling around in formal wear in fields!
who knew? :)
Howdy Folks! WOW... Where do I even begin! Its been so long, too long... oh how I've missed you :) Well, I'm back and better than ever! So much has happened in the past year since my last post, and it's very telling that my last post was about how to deal with anxiety, cause that's EXACTLY what I was dealing with. I had to take a break and work on me for awhile.... New York was fun, but, trust me kids, its not all its cracked up to be :) My anxiety started to get the better of me in such a fast-paced, overcrowded, and intense city, and so I realized something- it wasn't for me. But I got to live out my wildest dreams while I was there; I walked multiple times in Mercedes Benz New York Fashion week!!! For a small town boy with big dreams who was constantly made fun of growing up- it was amazing :) and a big "suck it" to the haters from my adolescence :) Its funny that I was constantly teased about my "bug eyes" growing up, yet, every go-see or audition I went to, the casting people stated that my eyes and their unique shape and color was my strongest asset in modeling :) talk about validation!!!

The reason I say I'm back and "better than ever" is due to the fact that I am now sober :) AND plan on staying that way! Drugs and alcohol had a hold on me tighter than a vice grip, and my anxiety issues played a big part in why I used and drank. I drank and used to feel better, less anxious, less insecure, but what it did for me was the exact opposite :( It made me more anxious, more depressed, more insecure and a HELL of a lot more irrational and unstable. I woke up on July 9th 2013, my 29th birthday and decided this year was going to be different, I was going to take back control of my life and its direction. On August 9th I will be a month sober from everything, even cigarettes! :) And you have no IDEA how proud I am of myself. Now I could have kept up with the direction I was going, but I was for sure on the path to overdosing or drinking myself to death, but I wasn't going to let myself be a victim of my disease anymore.... Although I once viewed alcohol as being such a powerful and controlling force over my life, now it is POWERLESS against me and my journey through this world. The reason I am so honest about my struggles with addiction and psychological issues is to let people know THAT THERE IS NO SHAME IN HAVING THESE STRUGGLES.... You do NOT have to feel guilty or embarrassed about these things. I remember when I got a DUI a few years ago, I just thought it was the WORST thing ever, and I was never going to recover from the embarrassment of being in the paper and people finding out about it... Or, when I went to rehab, I was so worried about what other people were going to think of me... but in the end, NONE OF IT MATTERED- who cares what other people think-hater's gonna hate no matter what!!!! Everyone has secrets and skeletons in their closet, and no one person is BETTER than another. If you make a mistake, learn from it, grow from it, let it guide you to being the person you desire to be. Let go of the shame and guilt associated with your mistakes! People thought, "well John Dye thought he was so big and bad that he left Pensacola to be a star in New York and he came right back"... Well, that may be true, but at least I had the balls to try it... I'll never have to wonder "what if".... I tried something and learned it wasn't as fulfilling or enjoyable as I had once thought... And yes, it was rough coming back with my tail between my legs, but I got through it, and I am a stronger more secure person because of it... :)

I will be blogging again on the regular :) With my "Celebrity Gossip Roundup" where you can get the biggest stories in Entertainment from that day, of course with a Johnny d twist :) I'll also be blogging about makeup tips, tricks, and tutorials as per usual.  I will also be showcasing talented models, photographers, hair stylists, and makeup artists with pictures, interviews, and write ups. I also be featuring local events and businesses from my neck of the woods so y'all can see how we do things BIG down in the south! Also, of course I'll throw in some self-help/motivational pieces, cause let's face it, I'm a motivational speaker at heart, I just don't have the teeth or head size that Tony Robbins does (see image :) ........

 I am excited and overjoyed to start this journey again with Modelwire Network, thanks for having me back guys, you have no idea how much it means to me. To the people who have followed me, supported me, and had my back over the last few years of my CRAZY up and down career in this industry- THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! Its YOU who keep me going, its YOU that keeps me positive and driven, and its YOU that inspires me to "keep on keepin on" through this crazy journey they call life! The support, messages, facebook comments, shares, and likes are INVALUABLE to me, I do what I do cause people seem to believe in me, and as long as your willing to watch, listen, and put up with my goofy ass shenanigans, I'll keep doin it until my last breath... I love you all.... now that that's outta the way, lets have some fun and get to bloggin!!!! :)

like ya, love ya, want some more of ya's,

Johnny D :)


 Cortney Paige Cosby from Volume ONE Salon in Downtown Pensacola. This place is AMAZING check
 out their facebook, "LIKE" it, and make sure your next hair appointment is with one of their UBER 
 talented stylists, you'll be glad you did. :) https://www.facebook.com/volumeonesalon

PHOTO CREDIT: Andree Photography

 I had the wonderful experience working with a VERY experienced and well traveled photographer the other day for these shots of my goofy self :) , she was so fun to work with, here's a snippet from her website..

"Andree Photography offers modern photojournalism as a wedding and lifestyle alternative to traditional studio photography. With on-location sessions, I strive for a fresh and candid approach to documenting life's important events! Because saying "cheese" is so yesterday!"

Be sure to check out her site and "Like" her on facebook, and definitely keep her in mind for your photography needs!

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