
ASK JOEY: Am I Ready?

I always love to see the creativity that makeup artists and hair stylists bring to a shoot and am often asked to review portfolios to determine if someone is "ready" to show their work to agencies. Whether your goal is to work in high fashion or special effects, the talent and skill needed to succeed in your craft is something you constantly need to nourish and build. Never stop learning and practicing new techniques. Maybe you are an amazing SFX artist, but will have more opportunities booking more traditional jobs starting out. Make sure you're versatile!

If you're looking for work and aren't sure where to start, try connecting with modeling agencies and working on test shoots. The networking will take you a long way. Once you're feeling confident and getting good feedback, do your best to get meetings with agents who can help you book bigger and better jobs.

I would love your critique on my portfolio. Please advise if I'm ready to show it to agencies. 

You have a great book. I absolutely love your style and work. Honestly, I don't understand why an agent in NYC has not signed you yet and couldn't tell you why. If you haven't been submitting to many, DEFINITELY start. Your book is awesome and you are more than ready to start showing it off.
I know you usually work with models, but I would love your feedback on my portfolio.

For fantasy and high fashion, you are definitely in the wrong place. NYC is where you belong for those types of gigs. Working weddings and proms is fine in smaller markets for income and to build your portfolio, but you definitely need to get your book to big artist agents in NYC. You could also try starting out by working with fashion agencies in a bigger market, like Philly, on shoots with their models. I like your book and style, but definitely think you'll find more opportunities for the type of makeup artistry you're interested in doing in a bigger city.
I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to go about contacting an agent. I don't want to make a fool of myself & I want to do it the right way. I'm willing to assist any lead MUA or try to work with a modeling agency on their test shoots. Are my pics good enough to show? 

Your book is good enough to show, and I'm assuming that living in New Jersey, you're close enough to NYC. Try to build up some relationships with the modeling agencies there and work with photographers on test shoots for the agency's models. Start with smaller, more boutique agencies if that's where you're more comfortable. You are ready to step out there, so turn on the charm and set up some meetings to show your work!
I have been in the industry since 2001 and am very interested in getting representation but don't know how to take the first step. I have worked with many agencies in Miami as a freelancer, but then relocated to North Carolina. Please take a look at my portfolio. I would love to know if you think I'm there yet or if I need more work to get into an agency.

I like you work but feel a little like you've exiled yourself by moving out of Miami or any of the other major markets down South. Your work is there, just get yourself seen in markets that have the jobs. I know there is a lot of film and television production going on in NC. Is that why you moved there? Either way, definitely look into getting work as a hair stylist in production, if possible. There will probably be a lot more opportunities in that direction based on your location.
I attended makeup training school down in Orlando and am curious if you know where I should go to find opportunities in the Atlanta area. I'm always looking for work. I live in Atlanta but am open to traveling.

I like your stuff for movies and TV. From what I hear, there is a TON of filming going on in Atlanta. I can see your type of artistry on shows filming there like The Vampire Diaries, The Walking Dead, or The Originals. See if Click Atlanta has a makeup division and find out who's casting those shows (or any other production that will need SFX makeup).
In the meantime,

Have a successful day!


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