
ASK JOEY: Know Your Type!

Knowing where to start and finding an agent really comes down to knowing your type and how to market yourself. I've said it before, but if you do not have traditional fashion sizes, do not start off by pursuing a high-fashion career. You will just be disappointed. Start commercially, where it won't matter how tall you are, etc... Take acting classes. Get some good commercial shots, and send them to agents. If an agency doesn't immediately sign you, but gives you feedback or constructive criticism, take that information and run with it. It means they see potential, rather just a polite "no."

I recently moved to LA from a small town because I met an agent who suggested that I model. I had never thought of myself as a model but have have been getting good feedback from the people I work with. I've been at this for two months and my question is, based on my photos, do you think I'm "big agency material?"
You have hot looking pictures, but you will need more variety or you will be type cast. Unfortunately, you're not "big agency material" because of your height. However, there are tons of great agencies for your look/type. You can also consider getting some more commercial looking shots and going that route too. You've definitely got a pretty face and can work. You're in LA, so you're in the right place for it.

I am looking for a manager or agency, but am I agency ready? I just don't want to be turned down even though sometimes being turned down isn't a bad thing... thoughts?
All of your photos are pretty provocative. Before looking for an agent, I would suggest covering up a bit and getting some more commercial shots done. They will definitely be more of what the agents are looking for when they're meeting with new faces to sign. Also, you will have to be in a major market. Try Boston first, from there you can look for work in NY as well.
I need some direction. I'm interested in print/lifestyle modeling and need to find an agent. I live in the Atlanta Metro area. Do I have the right look for that type of modeling? I'm new to the industry and am interested in finding representation commercially and in print/lifestyle modeling.
There's a lot going on in Atlanta, that's for sure. There are plenty of agents to see, but I honestly don't know what they are looking for there. You may have to have an acting background. (Which definitely won't hurt in Atlanta with all the production that goes on there.) You have a special look, hair, and size (being so tall) that will be unique for a lot of agencies. I say go for it! You're in the right kind of market to get started.
I am a bit confused about some of the advice I have seen about submissions to agencies and about starting a portfolio. Often times, agencies ask for simple snapshots and people are advised not to pay for professional pictures until they have already been signed, as agents want to develop your portfolio with you. Yet I also see advice about having a good portfolio or comp card to send to agents. Which advice is correct? I have submitted to some agencies, but have not yet gotten representation. (One agency did book me fore an appointment and recommended I take acting classes. Another said they had enough talent of my type.) I have had a couple shoots with student photographers but I'm not sure what other types of pictures I need.
For fashion, you're right, a few pictures is all it takes. If the agent likes you, they'll do the rest. You're also right for TV and commercial modeling - you will need a comp card or professional head shots to get in. From what you're telling me agents have said to you when you've met with them, they are turning you down politely. I would suggest taking acting classes, as the first agent suggested. You will definitely need them if you are interested in working commercially.  
My biggest concern right now is how to find representation. Am I ready? Where should I start?
You live in the biggest market in the world for modeling. Make sure that you know you are a commercial type for modeling and TV. Make some appointments with agents to get their feedback. See what they say. Take acting classes. You've got an interesting and marketable look, but are definitely a commercial type. 
In the meantime,

Have a successful day!


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